G.BUDS Surf Ear Plugs Spares 1 x pair Medium Fins


Availability: 24 in stock

G.BUDS Surf Ear Plugs Spares – 1 x pair Medium Fins


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G.BUDS Surf Ear Plugs give you great protection letting the sound in but keeping the water out to maximise your surfing enjoyment. Included are multiple Fin and Bud sizes to ensure that you get the perfect fit.

How to assemble the G.BUDS
Choose a Fin and Bud size and assemble as per below. You can experiment with different Fin and Bud setups till you find a size that fits your ear. When fitting the Sound Filter to the Fin, ensure that the Wing inserts into the Fin Groove as per below to secure the Sound Filter in place.


G.BUDS – Surf Ear Plugs Spares

Ensure the G.BUDS Surf Ear Plugs are clean and free from dirt. Pull the top of your ear upwards and outwards whilst at the same time gently pushing the earplug in. Make sure you insert the right earplug into the right ear and the left earplug into the left ear as per the images below, with the Fin hooking securely into place. Careful not to push too hard down on the Sound Filter.


Surfer’s or swimmer’s ear
Surfer’s or swimmer’s ear is a condition where the bone of the ear canal develops multiple bony growths called exostoses. This eventually causes partial or a complete blockage of the ear canal leading to ear infections and hearing problems. The condition is caused by prolonged exposure to cold water or wind. Cold water surfers are six times more likely to get surfer’s ear than warm water surfers. The only way to treat surfer’s ears is to surgically remove the bony growths and this means months  out of the water. The best way to prevent surfer’s ear is to wear G.BUDS Surf Ear Plugs while surfing…. You can read more about the condition here.






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